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Quick Starter

This is a basic "how to" tutorial, showing the basic commands, manipulating a generic profile with the aim of just illustrating the general process. Then I created their own profile files, because the cool thing.


pip install -U linuxp

Downloading test profile

linuxp profile --url --output 'my_linux.json'

Selecting profile

linuxp profile --switch 'my_linux.json'

Listing existing profiles

linuxp profile --list

Listing my packages

linuxp list --module package

Installing packages

linuxp install --module package --sudo

Package uninstall

linuxp uninstall --module package --sudo

Listing package by item name

linuxp list --module package --item vim

Listing package by tag name

linuxp list --module package --tag util

Installation command in test mode

linuxp install --module package --item vim --debug

Uninstallation command in test mode

linuxp uninstall --module package --item vim --debug

Installation command with admin permissions

linuxp install --module package --item vim --sudo

Uninstallation command with admin permissions

linuxp uninstall --module package --item vim --sudo

List with complete data

linuxp list --module text --print

Single field listing

linuxp list --module text --print --field label

Testing script

linuxp install -m script -i play_music

Storing my profile file elsewhere

Latest versions, use like this::

cat ~/.config/linuxp/profile/my_linux.json > ~/backup_profile.json

If you have a version equal to or lower than 1.0.12, use it like this:

cat ~/.config/linuxp/my_linux.json > ~/backup_profile.json

Opening file I saved elsewhere

vi ~/backup_profile.json